Scarlett Stoker — Barbara J. Zitwer Agency

Scarlett Stoker

Scarlett Stoker

Dracula in Dior: The Ultimate A-Z Fashion Guide For The Undead And Those Who Wish To Be

Sonzogno/Italy, Fleuve Noir/France, Larousse do Brasil/Brazil. US publication, BookBaby 2012.

Written by style expert Scarlett Stoker, Dracula in Dior is a parody of the classic style advice guide, only this time the beneficiaries are not humans, but vampires. It’s the ultimate A-Z for the undead – freshly turned and those approaching their 900th birthday- to help them dress for blood soaked success in the 21st century.  God knows if the devil can wear Prada, it is time for Dracula to don Dior.

Despite striving for centuries to stay under the radar, vampires today  are hotter  than an eternity in hell. Books! Movies! Internet shrines! You might call them our newest rock stars. But pray tell, why have we fallen so hopelessly in love with these beasts who walk the night consumed with bloodlust?  Five words. Sexy. Seductive. Insatiable. Mysterious. Passionate. Admit it, who among us doesn’t dream of finding a man or woman who fits that description? Yes, it is quite true vampires are also are undead. Yes, they sleep in coffins and harbor an unquenchable  thirst for blood. Your blood. Well, raise your hand if you don’t have any character quirks others might find a little surprising at first. Thank you